Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones

Went to the orthopaedist today for my knee injection and there was a lady in a wheelchair in the waiting room who was 103!
She looked better than I did! Perfectly coiffed hair, smart makeup, earrings and snazzy glasses - and a stunning smile. I could hardly take my eyes off her.
Again on the medical front, had a massage this morning with a new lady masseur. I was very pleased to have a lady, as I have always had male masseurs and they never seem to stop asking questions about your private life. So when I saw this lady, I thought oh good, just the massage this time. Although she did in fact talk non-stop she was very nice and gave a thoroughly good massage. The old shoulders were cracking and crunching away so am obviously very tensed up. But was very impressed with the treatment.


Anonymous said...

btw this is sofia and i have no idea if my comments will be posted...

KangaCupcake said...

absolutely! :)