Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Legs

Have just returned from Aldi! (still have not received that voucher, so here's my second attempt) laden down with a basket of goodies and have fallen up the stairs. Don't know how it happened, but managed to catch the border of one step right on my knee cap, which is in bad shape anyway. Hooray.
On positive note, have already received 2 birthday cards for next week. Has perked me up, after a long boring two days translating a financial report.
Have two more days of this to look forward to. The customer has already sent 2 sets of changes to the report, which I will incorporate one after another once I have finished translation of the original financial report. I like to call these little nuggets The Return of the Financial Report and The Financial Report Strikes Back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch aboout your kneecap. Hope that's ok.