I had never been blessed with children who remained the same size for long, they were born large and they grew continuously, so I had always had to keep buying new clothes for them all the time, but this growth phase in my daughter's life was unprecedented.
Within the space of about 5 months, she outgrew her clothes 4 times. Every few weeks, she grew a few centimeters. That meant buying everything new, every few weeks, from underwear to shoes.
This was not doing my wallet any good. Finally, even my daughter became worried, and we decided to pay a visit to the doctor to find out if there was something wrong with her growth gene, and whether she was on course to become a giant.
The doctor had a good plan. He said if he x-rayed her hand and looked at a couple of other values, it would be possible to calculate how tall she would eventually be once she had stopped growing.
According to his calculations, she would attain a final height of 1 meter 76.
It didn't seem too bad. Not a giant, just quite a tall lady. On the way home, we were both pondering on the results of the examination and my daughter said, "It's all very well, but WHEN will I be 1 meter 76? Next month?"
She had a point! She was about 1 meter 68 at the time, so we were still facing the possibility that she might go through a couple more shoots over the next few months or even weeks, and my wallet would suffer even more.
As it turned out, about half a year later she reached 1 meter 72 and after that she never grew another single millimeter.
So much for the accuracy of doctor's predictions.